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Coming Soon


I started my journey into the film industry as a unit photographer. Meaning I shot the behind the scenes and marketing photos for the production.


While being involved photographically, I began to explore the avenue of videography and filmmaking. Safe to say, it grabbed hold and hasn’t let go.


With the knowledge I had gained from my short time in the industry, I soon realised that there wasn’t any films or documentaries on what goes on “Behind The Camera”. Until now…


The Film Industry - Life Behind The Camera is a feature length documentary focusing on the following;


  • Inspire and encourage young filmmakers. I aim to teach and enlighten the future of the film industry, with knowledge of the Behind The Scenes aspect of the productions, and helping the future make an educated decision on the pathway to their own success. By providing detailed accounts from many different departments, including first hand experience, tips and lessons learned by experienced crew. 


Where are the donations going? Great question, and a valid one. 


 All donations are being put right back into the production of the documentary. From hiring out studios for cast and crew interviews, to lighting and sound equipment.

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